
Release Notes: CODESYS Visualization

Key Issue Type Summary Resolution Note
VIS-4382 Bug

Webbrowser cover Keypad-Input-Dialogs

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
To open a keypad above a web browser, the "Support client animations and overlay of native elements" feature must be activated in the Visualization Manager. The device must also support this feature.
VIS-4364 Bug

Visu: ComboBox Array leads to exception on customer PLC

VIS-4217 Bug

File Transfer From PLC to Visualization under linux with 'UTF-8 Encoding for STRING' does stop the WebVisu

VIS-4194 Bug

AlarmManager: Exception when a Client is already registered

VIS-4186 Bug

Visualization Extension not compatible with Visu

VIS-4177 Bug

Visu, Combobox: Content not drawn

Cannot Reproduce [[GENERAL]]
This issue couldn't be reproduced. The investigation indicates that the problem might be related to the provided project. Therefore we cannot provide an immediate fix.
VIS-4173 Bug

Visu, IV, Dialogs: Error message ST Code has no assignments when opening Keypad

VIS-4153 Bug

Visualization element Tab Switching via function "Switch frame visualization" does not work

VIS-4152 Bug

Visualization element Tab: When clicking on the last tab, the first tab disappears

VIS-4147 Improvement

Alarms, Re-Alarm: Support Re-Alarm repeat count

VIS-4145 Bug

Save/Load Dialogs do not open if library VisuDialogs is inserted

VIS-4142 Improvement

Alarms, Re-Alarm: Support Re-Alarm notifications from active state

VIS-4141 Bug

Visu: Slow onlinechange due to problem in alarmgroups created before

VIS-4110 Bug

Software Metrics: Trend/Trace is counted as 100 tags

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
The trend/trace represents a functionality that we have defined in this way. In a trend you can see a value progression and not just displaying a variable. So this is not an error. This is as designed.
VIS-4085 Bug

Visu, Webserver: Handling of client management errors not correct

VIS-4072 Bug

Alarms: Min. Pending Time not working reliably

VIS-4057 Improvement

Alarms: Replace term confirm by acknlowledge

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Additionally to the customer configuration option, there is a new OEMCustomization Hook. If the OEM customization hook is set, the option is automatically set for all new alarm classes. The option "Acknowledge instead of confirm" is than hidden in the alarm class editor.
Section: AlarmManagement
Key: AckInsteadOfConfirm
Datatype: bool
VIS-4051 Bug

Refactoring: has no effect in a frame on referenced visualization

VIS-4049 Improvement

Alarmmanagement: Possiblility to configure how active alarms should behave after restart of the PLC

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
In the Alarmconfiguration editor in the "Settings" tab the option "Change state of not normal alarms to normal" can be configured. The default in new project is activated. For existing projects, the former behaviour was not changed but it can be adjusted using this option.
VIS-4043 Improvement

Add quickfix for "Please do an update of the frame references in the current visualization"

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
Duplicates VIS-3927
VIS-4029 Bug

Visu: The project comparison of a project that was processed with different CODESYS versions takes a very long time

VIS-4028 Bug

User Manager Legacy version compiler errors

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Additionally to the main bugfix a dedicated compile error is now displayed when the runtime based Visualization Usermanagement is used while the library "CmpUserMgr Implementation" is not available.
VIS-4021 Bug

IECVisualization: "VisuFbFrameBase.SetInputPositionData: The element id for the input position cannot be determined"

VIS-4008 Bug

TrendRecording: Error messages in PlcLog get produced when Trend Storage limit is reached

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
The reason of the logmessages was too less RAM.
Using several trends with size limits, this may happen as all of them need RAM when trying to stay at the size limit. In case of not sufficient RAM there will be a switch to the former behaviour of keeping file sizes using “Maximum number of records” which is not this exactly keeping the file size.
With the RTS-setting [CmpCAAStorage] MemoryLimitHintInMb the amount of available RAM may be extended.
VIS-4006 Bug

Input Configuration, on dialog closed: ST Code is not executed if used VisuDialogs is closed

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Affected was only the special case where the element is invisible when receiving the OnDialogClosed event. The element should get this event regardless of visibility state.
VIS-4000 Bug

Visu: Input action with counter is executed twice and in scaled visu one action is not done at all

VIS-3998 Improvement

Visu, Trend, DateRange: Improve handling of date range variables in special situations

VIS-3997 Improvement

Visu, Meter: second arrow length should use the style value

VIS-3988 Bug

Visu, Legacy, WV: Backgroundcolor is not visible on change of frame content.

VIS-3987 Bug

Visu, Meter: Paintbug in WV with 2 clients

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
The result of the investigation was that the problem only occurs when switching from Overlay to Legacy. A reload in the browser fixes this problem.
VIS-3979 Improvement

Visu, Frame element: Scrollbar shoud be sizeable or style entry for default.

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
The scrollbar size of the frame and tabcontrol is now configurable. The configuration is per default from style. An individuell value can also be configured.
A new style entry can be set:
<Value name="ScrollBar-Size" type="dint">40</Value>

The calculation of when a horizontal scrollbar is necessary has not yet taken the ScrollbarSize into account. This has been corrected with this issue. It can now happen that a horizontal scrollbar appears that was not previously displayed.
VIS-3973 Bug

Visu, Legacy, Check Box: input configurations bleed through when visu switches to underlying elements

VIS-3951 Bug

HTML5ControlEditor: Not working in environment

VIS-3933 Bug

Visu, Dialogs: Position of dialog can be specified even if not used

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
This issue is fixed with VIS-2476.
VIS-3928 Bug

Project compare: NullreferenceException with alarm configuration

VIS-3927 Improvement

Visu, Frames: Improved updating of frame references when only parameters have been added

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
For the compile error "The interface of the referenced visualization ..."
it is now possible to update the complete project by a command or by a dialog which opens by doubleclick on the compile error.
VIS-3926 Bug

Visu, Frames: MouseLeave events get lost in specific project

VIS-3925 Bug

Visu, Table: Warning from implicit generated code in table element call (string constant too long)

VIS-3922 Bug

Visu Crash with combobox Array on Win CE-Devices

VIS-3917 Bug

Visu, ValueChanged: Frame-Scrollbar accidentally raises OnValueChanged on several elements

VIS-3904 Bug

Visu, Combobox in Groupbox with mouse event crash

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
The exception could occur in a Combobox if no other element was selected before. This has been fixed and the Combobox will close in this specific case now.
VIS-3899 Improvement

Adaption of CODESYS Standard Alarm

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
In the Alarmconfiguration editor in the "Settings" tab the option "Assign missing inactive timestamps to runtime start" can be configured. The default in new project is activated. For existing projects, the former behaviour was not changed but it can be adjusted using this option.
VIS-3898 Improvement

Double Arrows Meter

VIS-3883 Bug

Alarms: CPU Load increase between SP16 and SP19

VIS-3877 Bug

Visu, AlarmTable: Wrong number of alarms leads to exception with acknowledge all

VIS-3869 Bug

Visu: Old projects with corrupted Guid are broken

VIS-3847 Epic

Visu, Frame: Scrollable frame should display scrollbars only when visible elements are outside the visible range

VIS-3846 Bug

Button Response with delay after pressing Keyboard button

VIS-3842 Improvement

Visu: Blinking shall support color of text

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Elements that support blinking and alarm color, also the Table columns and Scrollbar now have a configurable alarm text color under "Text properties -> Font alarm color" for static colors and under "Font variables -> Alarm color" for variables.
VIS-3834 Bug

Visu: We get an error when we try to install a library if we don't have exactly the same Visu profile installed as when we created the library

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
Compiled libaries should always be created with the lowest combination of CODESYS Essentials and Add-On versions with which they should be compatible.
VIS-3831 Bug

Refactoring,Visu:if a visualisation is renamed the usage in a frame is not udjusted

VIS-3824 Bug

Visu, Trend: element is not updated if several trends are used in the Visu

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
The originally described issue was not fixed because the missing updates of the trend element were caused by the configuration of that element. The right trend in the customer project uses hardcoded TRUE values for Zoom and Pan and in this state, a trend is not updated automatically by recent values

To give customers a hint about the reason for the stopped state of the trend a new symbol is now displayed near the right / top end of the trend axisses. If this symbol appears, then the running trend has been stopped either because zooming or panning is active or the date range is limited to older values by variables.
VIS-3823 Improvement

Alarmmanagement: Autoreset for digital alarms after acknowledgement

VIS-3817 Bug

Visu, Trend: No trend update after Online Change

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
Duplicates VIS-3791
VIS-3815 Bug

Variable for selected row leads to misalignment error

VIS-3810 Bug

Compile: Compiler does not check local LibMan placeholder and thus shows error

VIS-3801 Improvement

Visu: Setup version

VIS-3791 Bug

Visu, Trend: Modification of Max Storage size via Online Change stops Trend and does not allow restarting it

VIS-3770 Bug

Visu, Editor: Exception in polygon element with dynamic points

VIS-3673 Epic

Visu, Alarms: It should be possible to add a comment when an alarm is acknowledged

Some special unicode characters (e.g. combined surrogates) might not be displayed correctly anymore. This is caused by the following two bugs: CDS-89667, CDS-89833.
A reasonable workaround is not possible in the visualization Addon.
To switch to the former behavior, the compiler define VISU_ALARMTABLE_COPYWSTRING_COMPATIBLE can be used.
VIS-3661 Bug

Visu: Visu libraries not resolved by Visu profile, after adding WebVisu

VIS-3647 Bug

Visu, OnValueChanged: Fix functionality for supported nested elements

VIS-3624 Improvement

Visu: Input configuration, in Frame MouseEvent the ST-Code is not executed

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
The desired functionality is only implemented for templates with Frame Configuration (Hierarchical Editor).

In the Frame Configuration a new standard node "Forward Inputs" can be added. If this node is inserted the frame element referencing this template forwards the inputs events also to the referenced visu even if the frame has already handled the input.

Enter and Leave works for one element in the template. Here e.g. hovering can be realized.
VIS-3596 Bug

Visu, CamDisplayer: Exception when changing specific value

VIS-3556 Epic

Visu, Alarms: Use lower priority task for storage access

VIS-3551 Bug

Visu, Editor: Fix typo in Frame Selection command

VIS-3464 Improvement

Visu, Frame Configuration: Improve default value handling

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
The following is implemented:
1. Warning is not generated for EditorType.Text and empty string. Reason. You can see in the element whether the text is configured or not.
2. It is possible to specify a default text for EditorType.Text. This is then entered automatically like the color when creating the element. In addition, the ID from GlobelTextlist is set and the text is added to the GlobalTextList if it does not already exist.
VIS-3459 Improvement

Alarm Manager: Implement new acknowledgement method with re-alarm after a specific time not acknowledged

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
This issue duplicates VIS-3243
VIS-3451 Bug

Visu Trend: Exception when pressing "Reset" in the display settings

VIS-3447 Improvement

Visu, Trend, Date/Time Picker: Possibility in Trend to set the absolute Min/Max timestamp with two Date/Time Picker

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
This issue is a duplicate of VIS-1011 .
VIS-3445 Bug

Visu, Table: Warning from implicit generated code in table element call

VIS-3428 Epic

Element List: show licensed Tags for each Element

VIS-3423 Bug

Visu, Scripting: Adding a Visualization via script does not modify the Project Settings as expected

VIS-3422 Bug

Visu, Manager : Unhandled exception when adding new font row

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
The buttons will not be visible, if no table is shown.
VIS-3420 Bug

VisuProperty: Compile Error occurs because property is not set to the application

The bugfix does not affect existing projects! Only the creation of such erroneous projects will now be prevented.

In case an existing project has to be fixed, either the compiler defines can be adjusted as proposed by the error messages or the option "Activate property handling in all element properties" can be set again to the desired value by switching on and off if necessary.
VIS-3417 Improvement

Alarm Manager: 'Off-delay' for alarms

VIS-3405 Bug

StaticAnalysis, SA0032/33: False positive in Alarm Configuration

VIS-3368 Improvement

Visu: Trend-Interfaces intended for public use should be made visible in the library manager

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Some interfaces from library VisuTrendStorageAccess are now public.
VIS-3323 Bug

AlarmConfig: Alarms do not work if config is moved to subfolder

VIS-3313 Bug

The edit mode should be left when an element is deactivated

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
When an element is deactivated the editcontrol or dialog will stay open similiar to when an invalid input is typed. It can still be closed by pressing ESC and the value will not be accepted.
In case this feature should cause unexpected problems, it can be disabled by setting the compiler define VISU_NO_INPUTDEACT_CHECK_IN_EDITBOX on the application
VIS-3257 Bug

Alarmmanagement: Not all alarm placeholders work

VIS-3243 Improvement

Alarms: Reactivate acknowledged alarm after a certain time if still active

VIS-3242 Bug

FB DateRangeSelector does not work as expected in customer project

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
This issue has already been fixed with VIS-1011. Therefore no change is necessary here.
The linked issue provides functionality to read and write the date time ranges of the trend with new control variables. These are accessible in the trend element's properties.
VIS-3234 Improvement

Visu, LoginPage: Pages without placeholders should raise warning

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
There is now a warning if a login visulization has no required placeholders.
Required placeholders are USERNAME*, PASSWORD* and LOGIN*.
They can be looked up in the Online Help: https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/CODESYS%20Visualization/_visu_user_management_placeholder.html
VIS-3230 Bug

Visu, User Management: CODESYS getting unresponsive with RunTime Based UM and Integrated Visu

VIS-3213 Bug

Visu, Editor: Undo does not work correctly

Cannot Reproduce
VIS-3204 Improvement

Visu: It should be possible to change target display size defined in device description through VisualizationManager

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
The existing target settings for the section "TargetDisplaySize” (“width” and “height”) have been extended. The value of the “access” attribute is now evaluated in the targetvisualization editor under Visualization Manager.
The input fields for the target visualization setting “Client width”/”Client height” become readonly if the “access” attribute is set to “readonly” or “hide”. In all other cases they will be editable.
This option is only active if there is a section “TargetDisplaySize” in the device description.

<ts:section name="TargetDisplaySize">
<ts:setting name="width" type="integer" access="readonly">

There can be a changed behavior in projects in which the target section "TargetDisplaySize” with the settings “width” and “height” has been explicitly added. Because the “access” property hasn’t been evaluated before, it can occur that the input fields “Client width”/”Client height” become editable.
The behavior of the targetsettings mentioned before may change, because before this change the access value wasn't evaluated. Now the value is evaluated and could lead to text fields becoming editable.
VIS-3189 Bug

font variables: 'Font/Caracter Set' Setting cannot be used

VIS-3187 Bug

Visu, Trend, Exception when open a Trend Element

VIS-3184 Improvement

Visu, Compare: Improve performance of project comparision

Cannot Reproduce [[GENERAL]]
With the latest visualization version the problem couldn't be seen any more.
VIS-3153 Bug

Visu, Combobox Array, Mulitclient: Exception when switching between Touch and non-Touch

VIS-2978 Bug

Visu, WebVisu, Smartphone: Fixed visu sometimes not visible anymore

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
On smartphones, the browser zooms and scrolls into the webpage if there is an input field open. In some cases this zoom cannot be resetted by the user. Now, the webvisu will reset the zoom in such cases.
VIS-2934 Improvement

Visu: Document Visu Selection Constants

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
The GVL "Visu_Selection_Constants" in library VisuElemBase contains values for ISelectionManager interface. This GVL is now public.
VIS-2476 Improvement

Visu, UserManagement: Set position of Login dialog

VIS-2069 Improvement

Combobox, KeyboardHandling: Combobox should not be closed using arrow keys

VIS-1576 Improvement

KeyboardHandling: There should be events when the selection changes

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Use a function block, which implements ISelectionManagerListener.
Add the listener to ISelectionManager2.
Both interfaces are in library VisuElemBase. See comments there for further information.
VIS-1495 Improvement

Trend: X-axis date time range updating via IEC variable

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
This issue has been resolved with VIS-1011.
VIS-1011 Improvement

Visu, Trend: Determine trend start and end time as IEC variable

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
There are now two new control variables for the trend: Date Range Start and Date Range End. These variables contain the current trend time range values. They can be used to control the trend by changing their values. The trend stops or starts according to the values.